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  • Writer's pictureAziza Razakberdieva

Your Mind is a Superpower.

You can invent, build, transform or destroy things, all depends on the quality of your thoughts.

What we think is what we manifest in our actions. The person that you are today is a result of what you have been having in your mind. Your daily thoughts help in forming your future life. Be it your career, business, personal, relationships, wealth and even health.

It is so important to establish Mindfulness Habits that create a sense of internal peace, clarity, positivity and productivity in your day. Here are some tactics to improve the Quality of Your Thoughts to create life you aspire to live:

1. Clear your Mind to Find Inner Peace.

Figure out what brings some inner calm and positivity to your days, away from spiral thoughts. You can do 5 minutes of deep breathing exercise in the morning, praying, meditating, watching a motivational or funny video, singing or listening to your favorite music before heading to work or on your way if you’re multi-tasking mom like me.

2. Make Time to Exercise Regularly

You can do gym, pilates, yoga, zumba, dance classes, swim in your community pool or just walk for 40-60min as the weather has gotten better before or after work. When we exercise our body releases endorphins which interact with the receptors in our brain that reduce your perception of pain and trigger a positive feeling in your body.

3. Read Min 1 Book a or Listen to 2 Audio Books a month

Reading stimulates your brain to stay active and healthy, it is literally the best exercise for the mind. It improves your memory, strengthens concentration, increases your knowledge, enhances your analytical thinking skills & imagination, all of which help you achieve greater performance at work or business hence reduce stress. Reading for only six minutes is enough to slow your heart rate, ease tension in your muscles and lower stress hormones like cortisol.

4. Prioritize on What is REALLY Important

Most chaotic and anxious thoughts come from thinking about too many things at the same time. Pressuring yourself with belief that each one of them is a priority leads to a mental burn out. Practice to pause and assess what is really important/brings real value and time sensitive, then narrow down the list to 5 major tasks a day. It’s better you get them done well vs stressing half a day about how you can accomplish 25 of them and ending up managing only a couple.

5. Focus on What You CAN Control

We often worry on what’s happening outside of us and so many external factors. Capitalize on what you can do instead of signifying what you can’t, then you will train your mind to think outside the box and find solutions that will help you let go of what you can’t.

6. Envision the Outcome and Visualize Success

Think about what you want to achieve and prepare yourself well before going into any high-stress situation. Then, tune your mind to visualize the desired outcome as if it has already happened. I call it mind + action double power, it keeps your thoughts proactive, positive and productive and instead of tense and reactionary.

Your thoughts are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Predominant thoughts influence your attitude and behavior which control your actions and reactions. Take ownership of your life with your thoughts.

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